Innovative Solutions to Improve Productivity: 12 Business Tools

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If you’re like most entrepreneurs, you work hard for your company. You put in long hours, and the last thing you want to do is spend time on extra tasks that technology could handle. But where does all this time go? Why are people so busy with low-value tasks?

What if there was a way to make your workload more manageable without adding another task or responsibility? That’s precisely what these 12 business tools will help you do! Find out how these simple-to-use tools can help change the way you work, live, and manage your business!

1. Comprehensive Planner

Having a planner can help you plan your day, week, month, and year. If you have trouble prioritizing tasks or sticking to a schedule, a planner is a great place to start. This tool will help you prioritize the items in your workday and allow for some downtime. In addition, you’ll be able to check off items on your to-do list as you complete them throughout the day.

2. Response Builder

If you had RFP automation software, you would send the same response pre-populated all your information. This means you don’t have to waste valuable time rewriting this information over and over again or compromising your relationships with your clients.

3. Email Response Automation

This software helps automate your emails, so you don’t have to send an email, save it as a draft, and come back to refute later. This works by sending automatic responses based on the emails you receive. For example, if a client sends an inquiry about your services, this tool will send them a response within minutes.

4. Project Management Tool

Project management software helps you handle your schedule and keep track of tasks. You can use this for individual projects or manage a whole department’s workload with it as well. You can collaborate on projects with your team or clients, prioritize tasks, and stay up to date on deadlines.

Team attending a videoconference meeting

5. Real-Time Collaboration

Real-time collaboration tools help break down the barriers between your work and home life. You can use this for telecommuting or remote working with clients and coworkers. It’s great for virtual team building, conference calls, or sharing documents.

6. Password Management Software

Having a password manager helps you deal with the stress of remembering your passwords and makes sure you are staying safe online. Password managers allow you to create strong passwords for all your accounts, essential when logging into multiple accounts on different devices. In addition, it will fill out your username and password information for you to reduce typos.

7. Analytics and Reporting Tools

These tools give you deeper insights into your company’s performance. They can help you find out which products are selling the best, what kind of ROI you’re getting on your marketing campaigns, and more. Analytics tools also help break down data to provide visual representations in easy-to-understand reports.

8. Meeting Scheduling Software

Many people waste time in meetings. You can use this to schedule your appointments online with multiple participants, whether trying to set up an online meeting, phone conference, or video chat. It also streamlines the process of inviting others to participate in your meeting so you can easily track who is attending and send reminders.

9. Chatbots

A chatbot is a great way to automate specific customer service tasks like handling billing questions, verifying order information, or answering frequently asked questions. This will allow you to free up some of your staff’s time and focus on more significant projects that will help your business grow. So chatbots will not only help your customers but also help your company as a whole.

10. Virtual Reality

Virtual reality tools allow you to create 3D models of your products, allowing customers (or even employees) to visualize what they might look like before making a purchase. This can also make the sales process easier and more efficient for both sides since you won’t worry about returns or exchanges.

11. CRM Software

Customer relationship management (CRM) software is a great way to manage sales relationships and track data from sales calls, meetings, and emails. It can also help you discover areas for growth with your customers’ businesses so that you can better address their needs. By doing so, you can increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.

12. Time Tracking Software

Time tracking software allows you to monitor how employees are spending their time. It can help identify areas for improvement with your staff, cut back on spending, and increase productivity. Of course, another benefit of this tool is that it will allow you to keep better track of your own time and productivity.

It can be challenging to stay on top of your work when managing a company. Luckily, there are plenty of innovative solutions to help make things easier for employees and managers alike. Whether you want to track how much time you spend in meetings or automate specific customer service tasks, these tools have got it covered.

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